The sophisticated photocopying machine in my building was out of order. So, I walked to the other sophisticated machine in the opposite building. There I used the sophisticated scanner to scan my degree certificate. Bombay University's degree certificate looks so unsophisticated. I thought of uploading it here, but I am not doing that because somehow I feel that it may be misused by miscreants. On my way out, I smelt some real nice coffee. Vishal and I decided to have some coffee. The coffee machine looked sophisticated. It took us some time to understand its way of functioning. Once we had the coffee in our cups, we added sugar. But there was no stirrer in sight. I tried shaking the cup, but the coffee still tasted bitter. We wondered what to do next. Just then, I clenched all my fingers except the pointer together and put it in the coffee and stirred it(the coffee was not hot when i did this). I am unsophisticated. Just then I saw another guy in a similar situation. He just took another empty cup and poured the coffee from one cup to the other and repeated this process till the sugar was dissolved in the coffee. It was then that I realised, that I am not only unsophisticated, but also foolish.