Almost Always The Truth

This blog is about small incidents which have occured in the life of Neel Arurkar. Neel also writes about his family and friends in this blog.

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Location: Mumbai/Bangalore/Pune, Maharashtra/Karnataka, India

I am what you see :-)

Holi Bumper(Updated 14th Nov)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For The Love Of Our Country...

Before I slam you Mr A.M. Naik, let me thank you for pulling me out of this writer's block. Mr Naik, if you are reading this post, you might want to read the previous line again, because that is the only time I am going to be nice to you. From here on, you will be slammed, slammed and slammed for your stupid and thoughtless remarks. [Article 1 | Article 2]

So what did you say about Infosys? Ah, you questioned its contribution to the Indian economy! How much thought did you put into it before pointing a finger at a company that gets close to 4 billion USD of foreign exchange, employs a workforce of about a hundred thousand, donates generously towards social causes and is looked at with respect globally for its corporate etiquettes? If you did not put much thought, I am surprised how irresponsible you could be. If you indeed put some thought into it, I wonder how wonderfully thoughtless the Chairman and Managing Director of Larsen & Toubro, India's largest engineering and construction conglomerate is! Which one do you choose? Your call, Mr Naik.

You also talked about profit margins being Infosys' concern. You said Infosys does not take up Indian work to achieve 26% profits. You added, "Now they say they are looking at India and China, forced by their profitability issue. Not because they have any love for our country!". Mr Naik, my stomach is still hurting and my head is slightly bruised. And you are responsible for it. While rolling on the floor laughing, my head hit the refrigerator. Don't you run your company for making profits? As a CMD, that should be the first thing on your mind! If L&T Infotech accepts Indian orders at the cost of profit margins and for the love of the country, I would certainly not pump my cash into the L&T Infotech IPO that is planned, for the love of my money. Your understanding of love for one's country and not making money to prove it sounds like quite a good philosophy on which you can have a genre of jokes. I am thinking if they should be called 'I love our country' class of jokes or 'Mr Naik' class of jokes. I choose the later. After all, how could I ignore your immense contribution to the philosophy...

Mr Naik Joke Example 1
Neel : Would you install anti-virus solution on my machine?
Mr Naik : No, it is not profitable. I won't do it.
Neel : Come on Mr Naik, don't you love our country?

Mr Naik Joke Example 2
Mr Naik : Guys, we have decided not to have increments at L&T Infotech this year.
Employee : But we worked so hard in writing code for the complex billing system developed for the small stationery shop!
Mr Naik : We did not do it for profits. We did it for love of our country...

I urge my readers to contribute a few more jokes for the love of our country. In fact, it would be a great favour Mr Naik, if you chip in with yet another one. Ofcourse, you would do that selflessly for the love of our country.

"So India doesn’t benefit with its own people. This makes me angry.", you said. Let me try to explain it to you. Perhaps, you should read this real slowly. I should be able to drive the point, I believe. Infosys, Mr. Naik, employs a global workforce. The workforce comprises of people from more than 35 nationalities. It is nothing like own people and disowned people. They are called Infoscions - or heirs to the Infosys Empire. Yes, it must have been a difficult lesson for you, I know. How would you not be surprised that there exists a company where everyone is treated equally, unlike your company, where there are different canteens for the workers and their bosses. The next lesson I recommend you is Murthy's vision. I hope you get blinded with it.
I want Infosys to be a place where people of different genders, nationalities, races and religious beliefs work together in an environment of intense competition but utmost harmony, courtesy and dignity to add more and more value to our customers day after day.

Mr Naik, your words sounded populist. The illiterate audience would clap their hands when you talk about your understanding of loving our country. They would do that even if you fire a missile into your own country and give your justification. If they were your intended audience, may be you should quit your job and focus on politics. I am sure, you would make an excellent politician.

Disclaimer : I am not a spokesperson of Infosys. This is my personal opinion and may or may not be inline with Infosys' opinion. I have blogged this not because of any relation I may or may not share with Infosys, but for the love of our country...