Daddy Banni
Cycling is not the only thing I learnt after shifting to Infosys, Bangalore. I have learnt a bit of Kannada too. My interest in Kannada was induced by my maid with whom I couldnt communicate in Hindi or English. I tried to used sign languages and this worked fine till the instruction was not adhoc like say "dont brush my clothes too hard" lest she should misunderstand.(Well, I spoke to her in Marathi, when she spoke with me in Kannada. Surprsingly, it looked as if she understood my every sentence in Marathi)
But, thanks to LIG-Kannada--or Learn in groups Kannada conducted by fellow Infoscions, I now can pick up a word or two that is said on the streets. Yesterday, I went to buy a ticket to Bombay for Lech. The travel agent operated from home. I told a girl at the counter that I wanted a ticket to Bombay. She shouted, " Daddyyyyyy banni"( come here daddy). This was the first complete Kannada sentence I could competely assimalate.
But, thanks to LIG-Kannada--or Learn in groups Kannada conducted by fellow Infoscions, I now can pick up a word or two that is said on the streets. Yesterday, I went to buy a ticket to Bombay for Lech. The travel agent operated from home. I told a girl at the counter that I wanted a ticket to Bombay. She shouted, " Daddyyyyyy banni"( come here daddy). This was the first complete Kannada sentence I could competely assimalate.