Almost Always The Truth

This blog is about small incidents which have occured in the life of Neel Arurkar. Neel also writes about his family and friends in this blog.

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Location: Mumbai/Bangalore/Pune, Maharashtra/Karnataka, India

I am what you see :-)

Holi Bumper(Updated 14th Nov)

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Down the drain...

I hate losing money. When my shares go up by 6 rupees, the day after I have sold them, I really feel sad. So, it was not unnatural that yesterday morning was one of the saddest morning to start my day. I had gone for bath and had kept the soap next to the window. This soap was barely a week old. I could use it for 7 more weeks going by the averages. But this was not to be. After the bath, when I was about to put the soap back into the cover( I dont have a soap box) , it slipped out of my hand. And I knew where it was going to fall. I tried to save it , but then the water jug fell from the window parapet too. Now I was balancing both the soap and the jug. Both were heading towards the same destination. I was not a juggler to manage both. I had too let one of them slip away. I did not have enough time to decide which one to let fall. Was the (Lech's) jug costlier than my 15 rupee soap? The soap fell into the commode. I managed to push the jug somehow so as to make it fall on the ground. As I was bathing, I could see the soap swimming in the commode. Whether to flush the soap or remove it from the hole(using some tool) was the next question. Would flushing the soap result into the toilet getting choked? After much consultations with Lech, I decided to flush the soap. The soap was flushed. The commode didnt choke.

1. Always close the commode lid before a bath if you have a small bathroom.
2. Soaps can be flushed. They dont choke your commodes.


Blogger Seema said...

ha ha ha!! u seem to learn mostly by ur own experiences, quite like my brother does. tell him n times wat n how to do a thing n he'll forget it, until, he makes the mistake/gets the result i'd mentioned of.

May 12, 2005, 5:26:00 AM  
Blogger Neel Arurkar said...

You seem to be like a teacher.'the result i'd mentioned of' indicates that. You shouldnt have been in software :-)
btw, Younger bro or elder bro?

May 12, 2005, 5:43:00 AM  

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