Hookah And Beer @ Hypnos

Last Friday, most of us from our project team went to Hypnos. We were accompanied by Osama, who works as an intern with our team and Owen, who was spending his last few hours before his flight to NY. Hypnos, which serves Mediterranean fare, is the best amongst the pubs that I have visited in Bangalore. Apart from the food, I like the ambience and the Hookahs. Well, I do not smoke cigarettes and if this is to be believed, Hypnos serves tobacco free hookahs. The hookah that we ordered was mix flavoured. A couple of puffs later, I could smoke the hookah without coughing. This was my second time with the hookah and this time I had made a note of all the hookah etiquettes. This site has quite a few of them, the most flouted one being When sharing a hookah and you're done smoking for the moment, place the hose down on the table for the next person to pick up. Don't pass it directly. The other etiquette Don't take too many photos in a hookah lounge, it disturbs the atmosphere was also flouted by Keyur who took 100 + photographs. A few of them, that are intended for all kinds of audiences, are here.

The Hookah, supposedly tobacco free

My experiments with the Hookah

That's my wrist watch
I give you kudos for being the only guy I've ever known (well, not really "known" but you know what I mean) to admit the "supposedly" part of the "tobacco-free" claim! *thumbs up*
Ms V : Thanks! (yes I know what you mean)
ba : That is sad. If you check out my March 2005 archives, I have written about another Infy employee getting killed in a road accident. Incidentally, KR Hospital happens to be the place where we were taken after our bus met with an accident at Mysore :-(
No SSR. Just tried it twice! May be we look like pros in the pics :-)
Het, I dont know if that is a compliment. What I look over there is how I look after getting drunk ;-) Trying it once must be okay. There must be pubs in Bombay where you get it.
Hey Neel,thanx for commenting on my blog.You have nice blog here..
It's my first time to see"hookah" but i've read it before in one Indian Magazine..so this is how it looks like huh?Sorry,i dont smoke so i dont really about it.
thanx yaar...
what is hookah?
juzz askin :)
Kathy, you have a nice blog too :-)I dont smoke either and I too got to know about the hookah when I smoked it a few months ago.
Melai, a better description here
I know what a hookah is but I don't know all of the customes of you nationality, is it right to asume that they are only used by men? And did you have a good time? The pictures are nice.
Na. I dont think the customs that I mentioned were Indian. They probably are Arab customs. Had a good time indeed. We took 100 + pics, but posted only 3 up here. Ain't that a proof enough? ;-)
you sure had a gr8 time (evedent from the snaps). One observation , your are being modest in saying that u have tried hooka the 1st time , I bet ur a PRO at that. Tell me more about the place you had been , I mean the crowd (u know what i mean ) & their attitude :) :) I would love to visit it some day with you, u can also teach me the art of hooka.
No Sir. It was my second time. I am a Pro in everything I do. The crowd was good. Their attitude, I will mail you. Sure, I wont mind teaching it to you, provided you pay for the Hookah!
Happy new year yaar..have a blessed and prosperous one!
HAppy new year !!!!blogging budz:)
may happiness b urs today tomorrow nd always!
happy new year .........neel
Ash ......
and that's a good watch .......
Wish you a very happy and properous new year....now that was something beyond me........
Kathy, Gangadhar, Unaiza, Ash : Happy New Year once again
Ash : :-) Btw, that watch came as a gift from my family before I moved to Bangalore
Akshay : Happy New Year. Nothing is beyond you. Give it a try :-)
Hookah or not, happy New Year Arul :)
Thanks Keshi! And btw, I am not Arul. I am Neel :-)
lol short for Arurkar??? sorry...I will use Neel only then :)
Very nice. Can you blow shapes/patterns with the smoke?
Keshi : Like Neel, many people find my surname difficult too
Kroopz : Not yet graduated to that level ;-)
Visit the official Hookah blog. http://www.hookahgenie.blogspot.com
Hookah and beer, a great combo to get light headed but don't do it too much! Enjoy it.
Point noted HG!
water bongs are better than hookah, you should try it: http://www.water-bongs-glass-pipes.com/
Should try :-)
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