Almost Always The Truth

This blog is about small incidents which have occured in the life of Neel Arurkar. Neel also writes about his family and friends in this blog.

My Photo
Location: Mumbai/Bangalore/Pune, Maharashtra/Karnataka, India

I am what you see :-)

Holi Bumper(Updated 14th Nov)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Set Theory Behind Blogging

Just google my name and you find my blog. So what is to be put into the blog has to be carefully looked into because your blog is in public domain. There are things you would not like your friends to know and there are things you would not like your employers/prospective employers to know. Not that I care much, but then when you visit my blog you may see 'I am what my blog is. Well, ALMOST ' in the about me section.It is the almost part that matters the most. So what you have here is a careful intersection of what I want various types of audience to view. And if you expect to find a post about how I threw the fly out of my pineapple juice and simply drank the rest, you must be crazy.


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